OnModel APIs

Developer friendly APIs for AI Fashion Photoshoots

Easily add capabilities for model swaps and placing clothing to models in your application. Improve your product experience + fashion workflows and leave the image generation to us.

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OnModel APIs


Model Swap API & Iframe

Easily add model swap functionality to your application with APIs or iframe integration with your brand's look and feel.


AI Photoshoot APIs

Easily add clothing to model photos functionality with a simple API call. Customize the model, background and clothing fit easily.


Exclusive Models

Work with our team for models that match your brand and remain exclusive to you.


Fully Customizable

Got additional requirements not covered in the APIs? Send us a note and we'll be happy to discuss the implementation.


Continued Enhancements

We update our AI models and pipelines weekly. Get continued improvements to quality and speed as we release new versions.


Auto Scaling GPUs

Our APIs are hosted on dedicated + serverless GPUs that scale with demand so you can rest easy when that traffic spike happens.

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